My week so far has been ok.... in an "ordinary" world I would have been enjoying the week. (From a nerdy... I like my job perspective) But add Cycloblastin, Dexamethasone & Thalidomide to the mix and the fun factor changes completely. My business unit is running a training week for all of our technical people from our international offices. It has been arranged predominantly by the operations manager. All good I hear you cry..... until he took sick last Wednesday and hasn't been back to work since !! The visitors arrived on Fri / Sat, with a day out to The Swan Valley organised for Sunday. And out of the five people that would be running the conference for the week (from the Perth office) three of them were sick. So Sunday I went out on a bus to play Supa Golf and taste wine, cheese & chocolate.... not bad at all actually !! I even managed to come home with a case of wine and an oversized bag of chocolate too !!
It is now Wednesday and the week has been run mostly by one guy that has only been with the company for a few months.... (He'll probably want a pay rise now !! yikes !!) It's actually not been too bad, but the stress levels have been running pretty high, as I'm worried that some of the content has been missed..... Being a "non technical" person there's not a great deal of value I can add, so I just sit here and make sure that I look interested and am here to support the "technical" people and make sure no-one falls asleep!! Monday & Tuesday were horrendous for me. They always are, coming down from a Big-Drug-Saturday. It's the shittiest kind of feeling. The worst part is the complete exhausted feeling. Every bone, muscle, blood cell and tissue in your body is tired and sluggish, so to do anything is a real struggle. And the birdcage mouth is beyond awfulness !! The hardest part though is pretending that you're ok. I'm not sure how many people I fooled, Dirk will tell you that he certainly copped it back at home, most of my niceness was exhausted by the time I got home..... I knew I'd start to feel ok by today... and I have. The cloud is lifting. I'm taking them out tonight for dinner in the hope this will score me some brownie points !!
I really should get myself a Dictaphone though. The past few days I've had the most amazing ideas that I wanted to blog about..... little subjects that I thought would be good to discuss, but for the life of me I can't remember any of them now.. I can say they were amazing ideas because you'll never know !! If I remember them now and add them, you might think they're shit ideas..... but in my mind they were bloody good ones !! I'm not even close to remembering them now. Yesterday when I was driving home, they mentioned on the radio it is 209 days to Christmas.... this is a good Facebook update (I thought to myself) I knew it would wind people up.... I was excited to see who would bite .... didn't take long !! It's like supporting "parents who slap their kids" Love it !! I'm a big supporter ....
Next Friday is the day I get to meet my new Dr. Another heaematologist. He will go through the procedure of the Autologous Stem Cell Replacement and I should have more of an idea about timing etc after this appointment. This leaflet explains quite simply about the procedure. It goes wthout saying that it's going to be a tough journey..... at random times my mind starts to think about what's ahead. I can be in the middle of a conversation and suddenly I'm thinking about stem cell replacement and chemo...... or half way through a phone call at work, it's not hard to lose your train of thought when this happens. Sometimes I don't know if it's better to be alone with my thoughts or worse.... It can be pretty echoey in my mind sometimes. Other times I can't even hear myself think because of the cacophony !!
Eye's are drooping like you wouldn't believe so going to sign out and publish this, but I will edit again tomorrow so......... watch.........