Saturday, 7 July 2012

Is it getting better? ..... Or do you feel the same? ..... Will it make it easier on you now? ..... You got someone to blame .....

So....... the chemo and injections? hmmmm...... what to say !! It all started off ok. And to be honest has been alright...ish. 
Last Friday was the chemo day - I've already covered all that malarky. No need to waste keystrokes repeating all of it again. Tuesday I started the injections of 'Nivestim' - these are the growth hormones that I self inject morning and night to promote the stem cell production - prior to the harvesting. Actually when I said "I" started the injections.... what I meant to say was that Dirk started stabbing me !! much (I'm sure) to his delight. There were also all of the other drugs around last Friday's chemo that seem to have gone ok. I haven't had too much heartburn and I think my uterus is ok - how do you tell?
Anyway, back to the injections..... all good until around Wednesday night. I started with a headache when I went to bed. And by the morning had a really bad one. I'd slept really heavily Tuesday night and felt really groggy all day Wednesday. Thursday morning felt achey in my body all day and after Thursday evening's injection only slept for 3 hours before lying awake for the rest of the night. The feeling is like a body slamming flu - without the fever or chills bit. It's between a 'flu like feeling' and an 'aching from over exercising' feeling (Yes I do know what that feels like !!) ..... and now.... Friday evening ...... I just feel fragile. It's harder to walk as my spine hurts. All my larger limbs ache ..... but most of all my ribs and spine. Paracetamol is my new best friend. 

You know what I like about writing a blog..... you can whinge about every little thing. I can put it out there, share it with the world without actually saying a word. I think I should change my title to "vixenaus - my multiple myeloma whinge-fest" At least that way I'm not false advertising either. It's clear that when you see the title of my blog.... you are going to have to read about me moaning and whinging about shit. No surprises. 

I was wrapping a present today for a gorgeous friend. And all of a sudden had a flash back to December last year when I helped mum wrap all of her Christmas pressies. Flood gates opened and I had a 'mum memory meltdown'. These are going to become part of life now I think. It wasn't the first one, but it was probably the most hard hitting one I've had so far. And because it took it by complete surprise. It took my breath away. I must say though, mum would have been very happy with the gift wrapping. It was very Gerry !!

I was also accused of "over-sharing" last week. Too much information being published and shared. But I've always been a big over-sharer. Always worn my heart on my sleeve and let people know exactly what mood I was in. We are living on a world of over-sharing. Even the least exciting people share their dirty laundry. I personally blame BB,  Geordie Shore, TOWIE and all of those other Dirty Laundry Airer's. (And looking forward to the return of BB too btw !!!) I can always stop my blog and close down Facebook. But my dad has just joined and I'd miss all his updates !!! And anyway..... the person that accused me of this also laughed at me when I put on a beanie to cover my awful thinning chemo hair this week. So who's side are you all on now?? ha !! 

Off for the harvesting on Monday. Only 2 days left of injections !! yay !! I'm having my hair cut tomorrow. I haven't lost it, and to the untrained eye it probably looks about the same. But it is soooo thin now and whispy. So I thought I'd just get it cropped. If I like it I'll share.... if I don't.... I'll probably still share.... seeing as I'm an "over-sharer" !!