Saturday, 18 August 2012

Every time I think of you .....I always catch my breath ...... And I'm still standing here and you're miles away ...... And I'm wondering why you left

I miss my mum every single day.... I have so many "mum moments" (where something that reminds me of mum takes me by surprise and I start to cry) My sister being here has been amazing. We've had LOADS of mum moments together. Usually we end up laughing at each other crying !!
Me & Sis on the way home from hospital
But I must say, I'm really going to miss my sis. She has to be one of the most amazing people in this world. Just gorgeous. I'm going to miss her just being here. While I've been sick, she's been fantastic. Doing everything, washing, cleaning, waiting on me, rubbing my neck when I had a headache, shopping but most of all I've loved her just being with me. Just sitting.
And now she has to leave.... I don't know why us Austin's decided to spread ourselves across the globe so no matter what, there is always a sad goodbye to have to have !!! BUT, she'll be back for the wedding & our family Xmas in Perth..... so excited about that. And if either of us win lotto, we're going to book for her to come over in October so we can organise the wedding more. I'm crying thinking about her leaving later this evening ;-( At least we're both lucky enough to have close girlfriends that are like sister's to us. 
South Perth Birds
This week has been a mixture of good and bad - health wise - I was released on Tuesday from hospital. My bloods were good enough for them to beam big smiles at me, tell me I was doing fantastically well and say I could go home. My neutrophils went from 0 on Sunday to 0.55 on Monday to 1.66 on Tuesday !! Wahoo - when they are over 1.0 they let you go home...... It took all of one hour to have my CVC removed, and get the heck out of hospital. 
Wednesday was a great day.... We went to hospital for bloods and a check-up. All was good and they were again very happy with my progress. This put me on a high for the rest of the day. We got home and Jo & I had a lazy morning, then cleaned out one of my closets and Jo baked (always fabulous) I was sneezing a lot of Wednesday, and the result was a head cold which crept into my being by Thursday - pah ! Thursday morning I was full of it (head cold that is) and with the head cold came a tickly cough. One of those pathetic annoying ones - they sound like you're putting it on, and have nothing happening on your chest !! yep one of those..... So I've been taking it pretty easy since then.
Wedding Venue !!
An old cart - lol
Jo & I did manage to go for a drive out to the wedding venue (yay) I really wanted to show her so when we talk about it she can picture it and make suggestions. We've also been trawling wedding pictures for ideas of wedding dresses etc. But so far I am still at a loss. I'm thinking in late September, before I go back to work, I will ask any girlfriends if they want to come across to Melbourne with me and we can go wedding dress shopping..... sounds like a GREAT idea to me. But please keep it to yourself, as I haven't told Dirk yet of this fab idea !!!
Oscar - Noice
So this is it up to date again. I have another check-up appointment with Tina my nurse on Monday. Hopefully, I will have knocked the cold on the head by then. And then I catch up with Dr Brad on Friday. Aside from the cold, I'm actually feeling great. Better every day. So can't wait to get rid of it and start enjoying the recovery a bit more.....
My sis told me yesterday it's only 20 weeks until the wedding..... another thing that takes my breath away !!! haha. Oh well.... I'm sure it will all come together.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

......Number one is to find some friends to say "You're doing well..." .....After all this time you boys look just the same." .....Number two is the happy hour at one of two hotels, ....... And settle in to play "Do you remember so and so?".

D+8 - D+12 (Friday to Tuesday).....

Well I jinxed it in my previous entry.... as I probably should have guessed. Friday morning I trundled off to my appointment with Tina and was told I was neutropenic. (Neutrophils at "0") I didn't feel too bad. I was given fluids again and had my CVC dressing changed. We made a bet that by Saturday evening, I would be in hospital as my "C-Reactive Protein" results were at 44. Which meant I had an infection brewing. We went home and Dirk went off to work for a couple of hours. I crashed on the couch and fell asleep for a few hours. From around 3:30pm my temp was up over 37C and didn't look like coming back down again. The heater was pumping but I wasn't hot..... it was time to go into the ER !!
I'd been given a "ER Free Pass" which meant I didn't have to queue, and I would be treated as a VIP. It worked a treat, and as I passed a woman screaming because she wasn't allowed to have a smoke in the ward, I was given a bed away from everyone else and had a nurse assigned to me. It was just like the old days walking to the front of a queue at a club and walking straight in and up to the bar !!!
Daily View
The staff (as always) were amazing. I wasn't left waiting for anyone. Wasn't left wondering what was happening and felt totally looked after & informed. I had a thorough work-up done and X-Rays taken. Then they fought to have me admitted to a private room in the Haematology ward. At first I was going somewhere different, but they managed to turf someone out so I could get to where I would get the better care for my condition - as I said before.... they were amazing. After arriving at around 5pm ish, I was in my room by 8:30 ish. I was hooked up to a drip with antibiotics and fluids. Dirk & my sis left and I eventually fell asleep.
Saturday (D+9) was my worst day.... I had a temp all day, spiking up around 38C - 39C most of the day and I was in a state. Shivering, diarrhoea, no energy, headaches, stomach ache.... awful. The whole day was just a blur (bluurrrgghhh) Saturday night I slept a little better - even with the seven extra blankets I had on me - and Sunday I started to lift a little. Dirk & Jo came in every day and sat with me. Even if I wasn't talking much, they sat and were just there. I have cravings for either a drink or food which last only once, then the thought of eating or drinking it again, makes me nauseous. So Jo & Dirk have been running backwards and forwards trying to manage my cravings. The hospital food, unfortunately, lived up to expectations and was absolute shite. I'm hoping I will have been able to lose those extra few kilo's as I haven't been able to stomach too much !! Rubber Omelettes, brussel sprouts (boiled to within an inch of their little cabbagey lives), lentil soup (no seasoning as I'm not allowed) ..... it's been tough !! Being neutropenic means you have to follow a Neutropenic Diet so there are certain things I'm not supposed to have - like salad.
Anyway..... like I said, Sunday was better, Monday (D+11) was better again. I also started to see my Neutrophils go up on Monday - they were at 0.58. This was good. It meant my white blood cells were re-generating. Which is basically your immune system. When it gets over 1.0 I was looking at going home.
And so after spending the day yesterday with my sis, playing scrabble, having "mum moments" watching TV and drinking cups of tea, I spent another slightly restless night ( I've discovered I don't sleep well in hospitals) in hospital. It's fine of you are a newborn and need to wake up every 4-5 hours but when you're 42 and don't, it's just not the same !! Ob's and blood tests every 4 hours.... pills, fluids, beeping machines etc etc..... yawn !!
My CVC that came out of my neck !!
This morning, I woke to the great news that my neutrophils were at 1.66. One point bloody six six !!! yes you read it..... AWESOME !!! This was good news and my nurse got me all excited telling me I would probably be able to go home...... I was not getting my hopes up this fast !! It was only 8:30am !! The Haematology Dr's were doing rounds today and I was to be flagged for inspection. I told my nurse to tell them I wanted out. And she did. At 11:15am in walked Dr Brad !! I didn't realise HE was coming in and it was good to see him. He was VERY happy with me and said "Yep, you can get out of here" OMG.... I cannot describe the joy !! I did the BB dance in my head .... you know the one.....
And so.... I am home. With my family and it feels great. I was able to eat a nice tea - thanks Jo - watch Big Brother - thanks Dirk and I am now about to sleep in my own bed (with ironed, yes ironed "fresh sheets, fresh sheets" - thanks Jo)

It doesn't get any better than this.......